Wednesday, August 13, 2008

12 days to go, and youtube! starts posting the "classics"

I love the Democratic National Convention.

I actually love the Republican Convention too; as a political junkie, my TV never leaves CSPAN for a moment of either convention. Hell, my TV has rarely left MSNBC since the Iowa caucuses. But there's just something about the DNC, that just ... (mr. hugh m. hefner voice) this is something that's really special.

Every four years, for four magical days, the elites and delegates of my party gather in some city ... and unleash the greatest comedy show on earth.

And thanks to some dude on YouTube!, the "greatest hits" from that comedy show are becoming more and more readily available.

For a first example, you can check out Rev. Al Sharpton's 2004 convention speech here:

(side note: as I have noted before, why is it that every truly crazy person in the Democrat Party has "Reverend" as part of their name? Seriously? At least Republicans have the common sense to keep their kooky "reverends" behind the pulpit, instead of throwing them in front of a camera to, well, be kooky).

Now, I know sitting for 20 minutes to watch this is asking a lot ... but really, Rev. Al gives everyone something.

If you don't care for the current President, you're in luck! His entire speech is a 20 minute screaming, ranting, "what the f*ck did he just say?!?!" verbal assault on the President. The good stuff starts about the 16 minute mark, where he (a) completely mispronounces Barack Obama's name, and (b) attempts to claim Democrats support "family values" (not even I will claim this).

But rewind it to the 12 minute mark. When he somehow goes off for 2 plus solid minutes asking where his 40 acre and a mule are. If you can honestly watch him come completely unhinged asking where his "40 acre and a mule" are, and not have tears in your eyes from laughing ... then you just don't get why the DNC is the greatest comedy show on earth.

Just awesome.

But speaking of "awesome" ...

I am often asked, "Steve, how the hell are you still a Democrat"? Yes, I do have significant disagreements with the party. I think we're wrong on the fight on Muslim extremism and the global terrorism it is directly responsible for. I am not pro-choice, although I am not a radical pro-lifer either.

On economics, I am not as pro-tax as many in my party are, and I certainly do not think government is the solution to all of life's problems (although it is certainly the solution to some).

But, if you ever want to know exactly why I still have a D on my voter registration card (other than I'm scared to death of the Religious Right in power), here's your answer.

Al Gore's acceptance speech in 2000.

Still the greatest political speech I think I've ever sat and watched. He lays out, in perfection (once he gets going), exactly what being a Democrat means. Exactly what we (should) stand for, and why we (in theory) should be the majority party in every level of government.

(Its also an amazing trip back, to realize that just a mere 8 short years ago, the Democrat Party was not full of insane people, we had legitimate candidates who stood for something, rather than "community organizers" who will say and do anything to win, and its incredible to see that 8 years ago, Senator Lieberman was the co-face of the party. Now, because he agrees with me more than the "party" establishment, he's not even a Democrat anymore).

Anyways, your link: The audio isn't really synched up, but its all there. What it means to be a Democrat 101.

Too bad we chose not to nominate the candidate who "gets it" in Hillary, and instead nominated an unelectable idiot to lead the party in 2008 ...

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