Tuesday, August 4, 2009

non-football thought for a moment ...

So I see that former MLB Home Run King Henry "Hank" Aaron says he wants Pete Rose reinstated. (Good).

And I see that he wants "all the names" from the 2003 drug testing report released. (Bad).

Look it, whatever your stance on steroids in baseball, what is occurring with the 2003 "confidential" test is utterly insane. Its a confidential test! No results to be leaked! Whatever government lawyer is leaking these names, should be rotting in jail right now. If not shot up with whatever he thinks he's saving the public from.

But here's what really riles me up.

What if the list comes out, leaked in full, all 104 names on it, as Mr. Aaron wants ... and a certain former number 25 of the San Francisco Giants ISN'T on it?

To be honest, I have no doubt he's NOT on the list. If he was, there isn't a shot in hell that wouldn't have leaked already.

Seriously, if Barry Bonds was on the list, you honestly believe it would still be held confidential by these outright-committing-a-crime-by-leaking-a-cba-positive-list attorneys presenting the government case?

Manny leaked. Big Papi leaked. ARod leaked. Christ, even Jason Grimsley leaked! You mean to tell me THE main probe of the government's investigation is on that list ... and it HASN'T leaked? Yeah. And if you believe that, I have some "hope and change" to sell you.

My point is this. I don't believe Bonds is on that list. If he was, we'd know by now. The fact that the ridiculous media is so willing to crucify people on the list ... well ... you guys gonna give Barry some credit for having the common sense to not be on it?

Or better yet. You gonna admit once and for all that you have NO SCIENTIFIC PROOF Barry Bonds took steroids?

(crickets chirping ...)

Yeah, I thought not. Barry Bonds is a lot of things. Effing retarded, is not one of them. Most of me hopes a leaked name sues the living hell out of the news outlets doing the leaking, and bankrupts them for the outrageous Constitutional crime they've committed. But a small part of me, a very small part, hopes the entire list comes out. Because 25, LF, San Fransisco, ain't on it.

Because what better justice could there be, than a man being railroaded for a crime there is no scientific proof he committed, being freed by the witchhunt conducted to convict him.

Go Barry Go!

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The Statisticals. Last Week SU: 8-6-0. Season to Date SU: 98-62-1. Last Week ATS: 7-7-0. Season to Date ATS: 75-80-6. Last Week Upset / ...