Wednesday, October 15, 2008

johnny! barry! the final debate live blog ...

4:18pm CT: I will be back on in time for the debate to start. Until then, if I were Senator McCain, here is what I would do tonight.

First, Barry's associations do matter, no matter what the clowns at OMSNBC or ONBC or CNN try to tell you. (CNN hasn't completely gone in the tank yet, but they're getting close to the "O" designation). But one association matters more to me than any other, and I really think McCain can nail him if he confronts Barry properly on this.

That association ... is Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Bill Ayers doesn't really bother me. Granted, it should; the guy's a terrorist, he tried to blow up the Pentagon. And it makes for a great line, "he launched his career in the living room of a terrorist". But I'm not gonna fault Barry for sitting on a board with the guy. That's honestly something that's probably beyond his control. Should Barry have resigned? OK, fine, you can argue that, but if he felt the greater good was served by staying on the board, I'm fine with his decision.

What infuriates me is Wright. To sit in that man's church for 20 years is a conscious decision. Its not an accident, its not an association, its not a board member affiliation. Its a f*cking choice! "Senator, you sat for 20 years under the tutelage, under the teaching, of a man who preached that September 11th was simply America's chickens coming home to roost. Could you please clarify for the American public why you not only did not express outrage and resign the congregation in protest, as your good friend Oprah Winfrey did, but you continued to sit under Rev. Wright's teaching for another 6 1/2 years, only cutting ties with him after Senator Clinton raised this as an issue last March?"

(Can you tell I feel passionately about this?)

McCain needs to nail Barry on Rev. Wright. Most Americans, no matter what their faith or personal beliefs, hate religious kooks. Rev. Wright is the very definition of a religious kook. Nail Barry on this. He has no defense for staying in that church outside of political opportunism. None. And it will show through in his answer.

I'd also hammer Barry on his comments about how our troops are raping women and children and pillaging villages in Iraq. "Senator, given your comments about our troops actions in Iraq, about the atrocities you claim they have committed, how can you serve as commander in chief with the full faith and confidence of the troops you have disparaged?"

Also ... haul out the best comeback Bush ever had in 2000, the moment I began to fear he'd beat Gore. "Senator, you have espoused a tremendous admiration for John Kennedy, an admiration I share with you. Like him, you represent the good that this nation can bring forth. (applause). But Senator, my question to you is what did President Kennedy do to lift this country out of the recession he inherited? He cut taxes, on everyone and everything, across the board. From 72% to 20% tax rates. Senator, why do you believe tax hikes, on everything and everyone, will get us out of this current recession if Senator Kennedy and my hero, President Reagan, have successfully shown that the opposite is true?"

Hit him on entitlements. "Senator, we currently have two social programs, Social Security and Medicare, that I believe we can both agree are vital and necessary, and that I believe we can both agree have a funding crisis about 10 years away from occurring. My question to you Senator, is that given your health care plan mandates coverage for all citizens, regardless of ability to pay, how do you propose to fund the massive expansion of the Medicare system your plan will result in?"

Don't attack him personally. Phrase the questions in a way that point out the differences ... point out some areas of agreement ... yet nail the point home that this guy is in over his head!

I don't "fear" an Obama Presidency. But I certainly prefer the alternative. And if McCain doesn't hit him where it counts tonight, in a manner that's not shrill or seems desperate, the alternative doesn't have much of a chance of occurring.

I'll be back by 7:45 to get this thing going. Like I said earlier, I'll go until I can't stomach Barry's lies anymore. Which not coincidentally, will probably be about the same point that my constant bashing of the TV in frustration at Barry's lies causes the picture to black out ...


7:53pm CT: whew, I is here. Close, close call, bowling ran long tonight and I had to pick up a 12 pack. You can't watch Barry without booze.

I am logged into Windows Live Messenger as if you want to chat. Don't know if you need the @yahoo part or not, but there you go.

Will be watching this on ABC, the last bastion of unbiased coverage in this nation.

I also made sure I (burgess meredith voice) picked up a pack of Camels! in Barry's honor on the way home. (Just kidding, but I will have the (hopeful) victory cigar for McCain lit here shortly).

Gas is down to $2.47 / gallon at Bannister and Raytown. That's sweet.

"This is an ABC News Special". And OMSNBC, ONBC, CBS, CNN, and MFOX News.

Hi Bob! A proud TCU alumnus (as am I ...)

HRC supposed to be in the house. Trust me fellow Dems, 20 days from now, you'll know buyers remorse ... a HRC / Biden ticket wins 400-138 in the Electoral ...

Both candidates looking dapper. Or is that ... napper! (napper the dog voice) hello! my name is napper!

I keep waiting for Barry to sit there with a lit cigarette and an ash tray. Actually, I think that would be kind of cool.

First question: why is your economic plan better than your opponents?

McCain attempting to tap into the anger those of us who have seen a 27% loss in our 401k in 3 months are feeling.

McCain stealing Hillary's idea from 6 months ago. Again, fellow Dems: our supers FAILED to side with the candidate who SAW THIS COMING SIX MONTHS AGO! And instead picked the guy who employs Fannie Mae's former CEO who made off with $90 plus million dollars during his tenure bankrupting that agency ...

I almost hate to say this ... in fact, I dread saying this ... but Barry looks Presidential so far tonight. Looks can be deceiving ... but he looks Presidential. McCain looks scared. Let's hope this reverses itself.

Barry with 3 solid ideas out of 4. Not a fan of tapping your 401k without penalty. Nothing says "market collapse" like draining every last ounce of liquidity out of it.

I am cringing. This is NOT working for McCain so far. He's stammering.

Barry knows he's about to nail this response, the smirk shows up.

I am so damned sick of this 95% tax cut crap. The top 5% pay 82% of the taxes Barry! Cut the taxes of folks who actually PAY the taxes!

98% of small businesses earn LESS than $250,000? I find that incredible hard to believe Barry.

McCain trying to exploit Barry's "spread the wealth" slip-up from earlier this week.

McCain FINALLY nailing an effective tax point.

Barry getting defensive. McCain has him slightly rattled. Good.

What the hell does "they can afford to pay a little more" have to do with capitalism? What the f*ck does "fairness" have to do with the American dream? Why the hell isn't McCain saying this?!?!

First TV smack. Hang on, have to hit it again to get the picture back.

That took 8 smacks to get the pic back. Note to self: might want to start smacking the guest bed behind me instead.

Schieffer cuts them off. Good call.

We're staring a $1 trillion deficit in FY 2009. But hey, Bush is a conservative who loves Jesus, so its all good. (steve bashing head on desk over utter stupidity of 565 Florida voters in 2000 ...)

Since when do Americans have to sacrifice a damned thing? We GROW our economy! We don't SETTLE!

Scheiffer calls Barry on his bs answer so far. "Name specific programs, sir". Barry visibly struggling, like McCain in his first answer. (steve exhaling slowly in slight relief ...)

I'd suggest tonight's drinking game should be "take a chug every time Barry proposes an unfunded mandate", but I don't want to overwhelm the ERs of south KC by 8:45 ...

McCain back on the Hillary mortgage rescue plan from 6 months ago. HEY, he credits her for it! The lesson, as always? Republicans have no original ideas? (yup).

Scheiffer trying to get McCain onto the question. Proposes across the board spending freeze. Sure, you'll freeze the military budget. I'll believe that when I see it, sir.

Hey, Johnny Mac naming some specific ideas. McCain 1, Barry 0 in my eyes. Then again, I'm biased.

Amen! Its high damned time we get a line item veto! Even Jeff Davis in the old Confederacy had a line item veto!

From the "what the hell" file ... Barry's wearing a flag lapel. McCain is not. But of course, Barry is completely unpatriotic and hates America, but McCain is the sh*t when it comes to patriotism.

Bush only had 5 budgets? What the hell Barry?

AMEN MCCAIN! "Senator Obama, I am not George Bush. If you wanted to run against George Bush, you should have run 4 years ago". A Effing Men!

McCain just tore Barry a new one with his response.

Although Barry with a solid comeback so far.

Barry with a GREAT cheap shot at MFOX News.

Although maybe it should be PFOX News, they're more in the tank for Palin than McCain.

McCain gets a solid last word.

Oh come on Bob. This campaign hasn't even BEGUN to turn nasty yet.

Schieffer with a GREAT question. Will you admit what you really think about the other campaign?

McCain blasting Rep. Lewis. GOOD! The depths of desperation the Dems have sunk to is beyond despicable.

Hit him! Hit him hard! Its not the McCain camp injecting racism into this thing!

McCain is DRILLING him a new one! This is double anal at this point. Awesome!

Barry has NO legitimate comeback to McCain's truthful assertations regarding his bailing on public financing.

He tried. He failed. McCain hammering him again.

I loved this exchange though:

(mccain) if you tuned in when my Arizona Cardinals defeated the Dallas Cowboys --
(barry) (smart ass) congratulations!

For once ... go barry go ...

Barry STILL won't repudiate Rep. Lewis. On the other hand, Barry with a solid response here about "terrorist" and "kill him" at Palin rallies. Wait, I'm confused again.

He'd "probably" gone over the line? Probably? He accused McCain of wanting to reinstate segregation! That's not just going over the line, that's taking a squat and defecating on it, Barry!

Jesus, I'm just about done. I'm just about done.

YOU DO PAL AROUND WITH TERRORISTS PAL! Bill Ayers! Tried to blow up the Pentagon! You launched your political career in his living room champ!

McCain HAMMERING Barry right now. Hell f*cking yes! And yes, McCain HAS told his kooks to shut up. Barry funds his (ACORN).

This is going VERY VERY well so far. If you give a sh*t about this country.

Barry is rattled. He has NO answer for this question, he's dodging the question. And Scheiffer is ready to drill him for it.

"Mr. Ayers, I don't care about that old washed up terrorist, we need to know about Mr. Obama's relationship with ACORN ..." YES! YES! HELL FUCKING YES!!! I am literally in tears right now. FINALLY! FINALLY! FINALLY!

Barry attempting to explain away Bill Ayers.

The Tribune is a "republican leading newspaper"?!?! What the f*ck?!?!

Good luck explaining ACORN pal.

His explanation of ACORN is so laughable that ... yeah, I'm literally crying from laughing so hard.

Please, tell us who you "associate" with, Barry.

McCain hauls out the "he launched his career in Bill Ayers living room line". YES! Jesus Christ, I sound like Rush Limbaugh right now ... who cares! YES! YES! FIGHT WITH US JOHN! FINALLY!

Wow. McCain just NAILED that sequence. If he keeps this up ...

Scheiffer with another solid question, why is your running mate better than the other.

Solid defense of the man I have a man crush on. I love ya Joey.

Watch Barry's eyes though. He is REELING. He did NOT expect to be hit like this tonight. You can almost hear David Axelrod dropping "holy f*cking sh*t" blasts backstage ...

God I love Gov. Palin. Go Johnny Go!

YES! NAIL Barry on special needs families! NAIL him! Abortion is NOT the answer! (Wait, I am a Democrat right ... yup, still favor gay marriage, whew).

Obama talking about "taking a scalpel" to funding for autism. Yeah, Barry. You would take a "scalpel" to autistic kids ... if you knew they were autistic 4 months into the pregnancy.

Actually, I still think Biden was right about particioning Iraq.

McCain: "why do we always have to spend more? That's always Senator Obama's answer!" AMEN!

McCain hitting Barry hard on NAFTA and oil. What can Barry reply with? He opposes drilling, opposes nuclear energy ...

There is a God. At least, so far, tonight.

I can't wait to see how the O Kansas City Star spins this for Barry. It's going to be so laughable that the last shred of dignity they have left will be evaporated.

Because NO sane person can be watching this and conclude anything other than McCain is destroying him so far.

Barry, how do you expand domestic production without more drilling?

Yes, we CAN drill our way out of the problem! Because we haven't tapped jack sh*t in the Gulf, the Pacific, or Alaska Barry!

He knows he's lying through his teeth. Just watch his eyes. He can't look at ANYONE when he lies, his eyes go down to the table. And he's been staring at the table or off into space a LOT tonight.

The first thing I notice in a chick ... is her eyes. (Hang on, I'm going somewhere with this ...). You can tell if someone's lying by their eyes. Watch Barry respond to this question, then watch McCain. Barry is staring at the desk, into space, he won't focus on a person. McCain is locked into Schieffer's eyes. One of these guys is telling the truth. You be the judge.

Live blog suspended. I'm too ecstatic over this. I'll post my recap later, but seriously, the rest of the way ... WATCH BARRY'S EYES! Any teacher can tell you, if you're lying, you won't look someone in the face. Barry's eyes CONSTANTLY look down at the table, off in the distance. Then watch McCain's eyes. ALWAYS on Scheiffer.

One of these guys believes in what he's saying. The other one doesn't. Don't f*ck this up America. Vote for the man who tells the truth. Vote for McCain.

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